Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Electric Universe Tango

Black butterfly shimmering in rainbow of shuddering magnetar pulse beams. This says the one or the other, is a good image for the album cover, but it describes well enough the dance craze intended by the badass beat. It's best to think in metaphors. Territorialize, de-territorialize. Linguistics understands the need to reshape language to the needs of creation. Language seeks to be bardic by its very genesis. As fashion reportage goes this seems to indicate something. What that might be is anyone's guess, but getting it right is easy. Always have recourse to disguise.

This is some kind of sublime nonsense from The Medusa Recordex, which is an actual invention of The New Black Mansion, Walla Walla. The invention, as all remember, is a recording device placed in the closet in a like this room, only in another dimension. Enough said about that.

Of course this is a narrative development. It's a dance craze announcement. It's fashion reportage.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wicked Witch Sightings Reported

So, now people all over are reporting sightings of The Wicked Witch, formerly of round here. We don't know what to make of it except that The Medusa Recordex issues currently a narrative that seems to tie together some two parts of interlocking but different-dimensional fictions. Beginning in myth.

It's a simple backward glance to make out the character development department working through the rhizomic structure of multiple narrative traversals. Terms sought for a linguistics to accommodate. If this sounds like a joke, that's awesome.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Stars Rejoice

In the eventual spring a dispatch of no mean significance. A tempest in a teacup.  We'll be awaiting the message, having long relied on the most oblique communicational strategies. Medusa Recordex programming expands, iterationally. Multi-layered linguistic strategies continuous. Time travel, incidentally, is a marvelous thought experiment. We undertake a pan-perceptual weird ideas survey, sample the many waters process and assay the sunlight for sign of undeniable spring. No text can be read in discreet parts, which is again to point out the medium in the message. Weave a circle thrice, holy dread, honeydew and paradise.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Demon (locution)

Research report Walla Walla Wickidity Works, Linguistics Section: Vibratory, skein. Felt presence of echo, shadow, premonition, circumlocution imminent. Behold the beholder. The voices are others. They are yourself. Think, Thinker, and you are the knower and the known. Addressed, infinity we send greeting cards from the Many Waters. Solitary recipient in iterations. We have already posited the shift in the total reality simulation. Absurdity transducers set to stun with cartoon logic, that's the plan. This calls for a total dance craze extravaganza in the plasmatic glow of The Hoodoo Altar.

Some Kind of Announcement

"We interrupt this broadcast to announce..." Thus begins the announcement, answers having been found to the nagging question, "What if?" It is the method. Ask the right question if you wish a relevant answer. Having found probability theory uselessly tied to the material, we now answer questions with questions. The questions begin with what if. What if thought itself evolves through us, for instance? What if thought has new ideas? What if thought shapes the material? What if someone could rearrange the reality picture by pushing a button? What if the button were on The Hoodoo Altar? What if this cartoon logic thing happened but nobody noticed because they were part of it? What if somebody composed a gollum out of nacho cheese and made it king? Which parts of this are actually happening? Mixed prints, once again, are the new black.

We were about to announce the further exploration of spacetime through the medium of The Medusa Recordex, a small inter-dimensional device we placed some time back in the closet in a dimension rather similar to this. It's been explained elsewhere, so probably nobody will understand this, which doesn't particularly matter to the purpose so far as can be gleaned.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bend, Remover

To remove
Star to barque
Altering and

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Medusa Recordex Status Update

The Medusa Recordex, a fully functioning, multi-intelligenced, rhizomic exoteric stellar-based perceptual expansion engine is sending out ever more abstract fashion reports, which is hardly surprising, given the weather.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Witch Witch Witch

Which is this? The one one in, that one, both. Such are the vagaries of the nighttime radio tuned to frequencies of stellar origin. The places we go when dreaming, they say, are out among the stars. That's just how it is. That's just the neighborhood, and we all wander. Portals, specific stars. Fools deride fantasy, while the observant find humility at its immensities. The process of birthing infinities is power seized mid-dream and hauled onto the skip. To be swallowed up and return with both minds to the sea. Fashion reportage will call spring for spangles. For mixed prints. The new black. It's intentionally obscure because chic requires this commitment. Only a true student of paisley, for instance, may truly appreciate the permutations of such.

Sugarland takes new territories. It's time to tie this back. Lulu vs. The Wicked Witch of West Texas. Links, medium. Thinking mycelium.  The medium is the message is a dimensional-knitting body which far outsizes the fruiting body. (You're part of a hypermind, stupid. Luckily for you.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

West Texas Vortex Sucking Hard

It's official, made so by this declaration, that recent oddities up Walla way have roots in our twister-like rampage in the West Texas region. Nowhere adjustments expected to allay the absurdities.

Spring Fling Dance Craze-- Lulu Update

Mining memory yields alterations of one's very fabric in recapitulation. Springing free of the wrong beginnings is ever the possibility of motion.

Which brings us to the ongoing drama of Lulu vs. The Wicked Witch, formerly known as TWW of West Texas, and formerly to that TWW of Walla Walla. The two have ironed out their differences over the kidnapping and all of that ordeal stuff, Lulu having accepted that it was purely educational as only being kidnapped to an alternate universe might be. Themes can now evolve and the disagreements over Honeydew and Milk of Paradise have been ended by decree of The Wicked Witch, so New Black Mansion Horchata is a reality. Spaceward-ho.

Overcoming Monsters

Ingrained fear is a tyrant unlike any other.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Deep Night Radio

Serious nocturnal transmissions between the blue hours, under tumultuous starlight, like a jukebox co-existing in another dimension-- purple spangled and strange. Straining to understand trains the attention upon the phoneme, linguistic wave particles. All method is madness, they say. Again.  Language, in this place, has a decided echo. Walla Walla, overseen by the Twin Sisters at Wallula.

The voices of the place talk tale of sparkletongue. Those basalt twins whisper to Columbia voice of wind amplified and sky on water. On the Snake. On Walla Walla. Speaking the language of sparkling waters which give back sol as rainbow. This murmur is heard in simultaneity and sings in the networks.

Mycelium, whose creatures inhabit the places we fail to see send emissaries. Invisibility is often no great feat. It's accomplished here daily with the most insane disguises. Method, they say, is madness.You are net. Extending by connection. This point is so profound, when grasped-- fully grasped-- that it changes reality completely. De-anthropomorphizes perspective.

Singularity is a simultaneity. Intelligence is the substance and it alters by connection to the rhizome. This is the crazy stuff of midnight radio. It's got a beat and you can dance to it.