Sunday, April 28, 2019

Shimmer, Shiver, Shimmy, Shake

It's some kind of dance-quake here on the many waters as the midnight radio discusses rhizomic connectivity in the plasmatic prism of multidimensional groove. The laboratories are a-rumble in The New Black Mansion --further modes of enchantment revealing themselves. The new physics of our invented reality is beginning to take up residence, and in doing suggests ever more modes of rhizomic enchantment. The Wicked Witch, long rumored the force behind Walla Walla Wickidity Works is becoming more visible at the helm of the organization, since she and Lulu are now inseparable. West Texas continues to experience flip-side hi-jinks. (This story is, as usual, developing. It would be a surprise to nobody to see an update here from Nowhere.)

Monday, April 22, 2019

To Exist Fictitiously

There's the rub. The subject of an upcoming lecture at The New Black Mansion will address this exact topic. Whether a fictitious existence, once created, makes existence fictional shall be blathered about to no end. Boring as that will be, the question is problematic. Once that existence takes on a multi-dimensional aspect, the absurdity barrier is obliterated several times over, which renders the whole topic much too hilarious for a boring old lecture, so the lecture is likely to be only attended by the lecturer, but it will, nevertheless go out on the midnight radio to the stars, where it is cocktail party fodder, which is much preferred anyhow. Bling ring retrieved, phone home. Jiggered betwixt the physics. Mentioning cartoon logic is probably not necessary.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Rock Steady

The New Black Mansion announces testing of All New Pool of Serenity Ink. A test subject has been chosen by some random-ass process and the Serenity Ink employed for maximum observable Obliviation. Everyone who's read Lulu's adventures knows how it works. This, of course, is just some shameless plug for my book. Or it's a link in a rhizome. A strand. If we're honest this is the Spring swimwear report up Many Waters way. The vibe is weird glamour. Mixed animal prints.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Exact Sort of Thing

We've been going on about hoary outback. The strangest things just do seem to happen to hardly anyone's notice. This, of course, has a good deal to do with the mainstreaming of cartoon logic. The Medusa Recordex continues to function in the dimensional portal closet and the view through that mirror is ever more unusual.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Geometry of Shadows

behaves differently and contains realms. The shadow wanders abroad in dark, seething in its medium.   In light they are connected to matter, moored and ruled by a logic of light and its lines. The study of shadows requires observation of their daytime habits, for in darkness, they run wild. When the earth is shadowed from the sun they're mostly unstuck and running amok. It barely suits to mention that all of the experiments undertaken at Walla Walla Wickidity Works are inspired by fictional experiments that had reality altering results, both in West Texas and in Walla Walla, such that many other experiments were suggested. The fictional Wicked Witch is at large, or in disguise, depending upon perspective. Or entirely fictional. That is suggested. An omen of great retro-causational echo effect has materialized in the laboratories of The New Black Mansion. It's super fun. Think sparkles. Shadows love them.