Sunday, June 23, 2019

Research Continues Cosmic-Wise

Herb the Battle Unicorn-- The Action Figure has a re-designed web presence. An ancient rhizome of this mythic web rekindles, which is taken as omen-ous, of course. Meanwhile in West Texas, we donn't know. Walla Walla Wickidity Works continues translation of transmissions received by The Medusa Recordex. This mysterious other-dimensional invention occupies a conceptual void in what appears to be a closet in dimension very similar to this one. It has a different material nature, however, allowing the recording of events with perfect clarity in their many experiential whatever. It's complicated and resists explanation, so, wear something spangled and absurd. It will distract from your hair. This post will, as they do, evolve. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

disbelieving belief

Belief is such an overrated accessory and one is best advised to discard it before leaving the house, which de-necessitates any sort of dis-belief as well. A transfiguration cast West Texas-wise viewed via The Medusa Recordex, The Phoenix Cycle, named for an object which emerged from the chaosphere in June 2018, a pure product of The Hoodoo Altar, which itself emerged from the mysterious text associated with this project which is also associated with a notorious witch of these parts and other, continues its curious tumult through the electro-magnetosphere. The sentences are becoming ridiculously cumbersome, which is going to require further application of disguise science. Heed: changing forms is very good practice. Pretend a few people daily, Lulu.