Saturday, October 31, 2020

We wept.


When we remembered. But it's as easy as our meditations. In the darkness, we have long cast a light, even in darkness. Phosphoresce. Bio-luminescence seems as probable as ever. We

nave long sung the lords son. We wept. 

Monday, October 26, 2020

Future's Past


The various ways and methods of warriors 

Is and always was about the containment, 

Of trauma. A hermetic seal of sorts. 

Understand what is built on trauma, 

because it's the only way to unspool. 

Between two. Worlds. The thinking, 

and the feeling being, being a/part. 

This is the thing that is not captured. 

There is an entire half, ignored.  X. Static. 

The rhizome grows, as the mirror knows. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Again and Again, First a Jump to the Left

It's that time again. Mutation adaptation redefines the situation in novel ways that were not foreseen, but were foretold. Don the Ruby Slippers. We've written here and other places at length about red shoes. Make no mistake: they make you faster. Think what would happen if everyone knew that. It is a crown if one can endure it, keep it aloft. This is when we find out, what everyone has been waiting for. Bated breath is no longer called breathing. Of course, you understand this spelling. Tracks to tracks, long extant.