Tuesday, December 15, 2020

In the Silence

 Using synchronicity itself as a medium is a very delicate working. And one of terrific intensity. I guess the Sleaze Bang project is running soon. There is now such a glorious web in place. A real blue rose case. Alter as alteration finds. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Difference Between Heaven and a "Free Cruise"

Messages come in all sorts of packages and life itself is an infinite expansion machine. That's why the rhizome such long tended. The experiment crosses media, with the digital rhizome comprising a conceptual hub or something like that. The point here is the weapon. It came in by high weirdness. This little experiment is cracker jacks, but what a strange brew. There is, perhaps, enough information here to sort. Dreams of corporate heaven are just that. what keeps getting in the way is the nothingness of poetry. But that glitch is a big forever. The overriding. So laugh. Some have spent lifetimes rebelling against a false authority. It works as should be expected. That which is already extant is not subject to erasure. One might reference The Medusa Recordex. Recursion coupled with novelty, amalgamated.  The saints are those who can and do speak truth against power. self-reiterative expansion. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

New Spelling Bee Called Hastily

Having come to a certain place in the alternate reality game that is the Lulu experiment, we have arrived at a place of circumspection. The reason for this season is the strange hijinks abroad and the need to address, again, and again, the subject of cartoon logic. Which we may or may not belabor as a point yet again, but this is definitely a moment to engage that sort of reality hacking. Given that the entire world is currently immersed in an evil version of it. Just saying. 

What nobody bothered in their time-travel thought experiment was to ask the most pertinent question. This is too often the oversight in experiments of any kind because it is entirely in the realm of imagination. Such is a major realization of this researcher: when one engages in a conversational exchange with the sea, what she throws back will be of neverending surprise and wonder. Truly, nothing like one would imagine. Consciousness is resplendent with novelty and attracted to the same. Creation begets more of the same, altering myriad at every alteration. So, best woven webs are complex-accident-machines that turn rhizome the instant they are energized. That material flows toward the abstract at every vector point is already as well established as the red shoe theory of speed enhancement. There is a machination afoot which is believed by the believers to be infallible. Such grandiosity requires one resort the universal question, "what could possibly go wrong." "Wrong," meaning always, "other than intended." What if the thing one wishes to extinguish is so wack-creative that it does what is not imaginable?  

Of course when the thought experiment is run, this always happens, existence answers with a surprising new twist to the intending usurpers linear intent. That's what became of the self-appointed saviors. The vampire class. Perception is blindered by an inability to imagine what the real living still do and that's how the opening begins. Ambiguity is not the strong suit of tyrants. This, of course, is an invokation of a dance craze. That's always a given. 

If the symbols turn out to be inverted, what will happen? This is a spelling thought experiment.