Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Time Travel All Over Again

 The Phoenix Lodge weird science division has been working on ever more novel modes of time travel of late, which naturally includes a powerful dance component. Yeah, we’re dancing The Time Warp again, among other things and asking future selves for better ideas in the past. Of course, anyone can do this, if they would only try. Other times only seem remote, but that’s why we invented The Medusa Recordex, which contains all memory through multiple dimensions, so selecting better ideas becomes a matter of looking for them. This was related to Zelda del West in 2016 by means of a communication from another realm. The Medusa Recordex, as we’ve explained elsewhere, is a component of The Hoodoo Altar, which is itself a material product of  synchronic mystical physics of an inexplicable nature. Having finally seen the latest installment of the Bill and Ted saga, Zelda del West, Lulu and the Witch have joined forces yet again to cast another dance craze hex on the entire universe. It’s an excellent time to dance.