Friday, March 4, 2011

And Speaking of West, We Might Consider This:

Mae West sings "Twist and Shout." Who knew that Mae West recorded two rock and roll albums back in the late ’60s, in an effort to appeal to the younger generation? I didn’t until I tumbled head first into this gold mine of kitsch over at YouTube. It goes without saying this effort was a complete failure, but the results were actually pretty fantastic. Besides this cover of “Twist and Shout,” West also covered “Day Tripper,” “Rock Around the Clock,” “Treat Him Right,” "Light my Fire," and a fabulous rendition of “Great Balls of Fire.” This is good stuff, kids. Sadly, there's no actual video as far as I know, of her performing these songs, but that would just be too much to hope for. Here’s a bonus quote from Mae: Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before.

As always, my fellow denizens of dark forgotten places: don't get your sisters twisted.

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