Thursday, July 14, 2011

Stinking Kudzu Bug?

If kudzu were not bad enough, it has now opened the door to a new invasive species: the stinking kudzu bug. We've been reporting for a while on stories that combine stinking and insects. (You may remember the stinky sock spider and the stinky feet mosquito trapping scheme.) Okay, spiders aren't insects but the stinky sock spider was eating what appeared to be a wingless fly. Anyhow, the stupid stinking kudzu bugs apparently also like to eat things that people like a lot more than kudzu, like soybean crops. Some fear they will also develop a taste for peanuts.

As you can see the stinking kudzu bug isn't much to look at, and apparently it's stink isn't even terribly remarkable. Oh, well. We won't likely be seeing them in West Texas anyway since there isn't actually any kudzu out in this barren waste. One does wonder if the scientists experimenting with trapping mosquitos with stinky feet smell are aware of the stinking kudzu bug.

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