Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fans of Awesomeness, We Introduce the Mantis Shrimp

Now, don't let this little guy (or gal's) appearance fool you. Peacock mantis shrimp are pretty bad ass. I intend to post another video of one doing battle with several other marine animals just to give you a sense of how honey badger these things can be, but first let's see what Wikipedia says on the subject:
This mantis shrimp is a smasher, with club shaped raptorial appendages.[1] An active hunter, it prefers gastropods, crustaceans, and bivalves,[1] and will repeatedly smash its prey until it can gain access to the soft tissue for consumption. It is reported to have a "punch" of over 50 miles per hour (80 km/h). This is the fastest recorded punch of any living animal. The acceleration is that of a .22 caliber handgun, with a force created of 200 pounds per strike. In addition, the surface of its appendages is made up of extremely dense hydroxyapatite, layered in a manner which is highly resistant to fracturing. Glass aquaria can be broken by them. The composition is being investigated for potential synthesis and engineering use.[4][5]
It goes on to say that they are usually kept in solitary environments because they will eat the other inhabitants of their aquarium. This might give you an idea how much the mantis shrimp don't care about any other crustacean. It just takes what it wants:

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