Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weirder and Weirder in Walla Walla as Wickidity Continues to Rise

Video of recent Walla Walla dance hex:

It's been a long time since Walla Walla experienced it's last Wickidity attack, and most here had all but forgotten that such a thing even existed. The Wicked Witch formerly known as the Wicked Witch of Walla Walla, then the Wicked Witch of Western Washington, and more recently, as the Wicked Witch of West Texas seems to have taken a renewed interest in the area. Just yesterday a dance craze broke out down town that left several unlucky dancers with dance related injuries. West Texas, meanwhile, has seen no anomalous activity. For West Texas that is the anomaly as the Wicked Witch of West Texas has spent the last eight years tormenting the area with hex after curse after enchantment. Yesterday one professor Prattle who disappeared last year after being turned into a blue lipped fence gecko when he inadvertently insulted the Wicked Witch of West Texas wandered into Nowhere confused, disoriented and still without the power of speech. JimBob Jamison also returned in his former shape, though still smelling like the skunk he's been for the past two years after he mistakenly served a certain Witch brisket when she wanted ribs. In fact, all over the Nowhere area things that were formerly fracked up by our least favorite Wickidity practitioner are returning to their former normal state.

We are continuing to combat the sudden Walla Walla Wickidity surge which most believe is related to the statement made to Lulu at the end of her time in Sugarland, which was recounted in Lulu Lopez vs. the Wicked Witch of West Texas -- Adventure in Sugarland. The witch, at the end of that strange episode, spoke these enigmatic words to poor Lulu: "I'll be back." The subsequent visit by Lulu to the environs of West Texas and her suspected theft of a certain cinnamon sports broom may also have some bearing. Surely we'll find the time to chronicle the events that may unfold over the coming days and weeks in our most purple manner, so stay tuned watchers of Wickidity. Things could get really strange and florid and sordid and horrid.

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