Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Breaking Dance Craze: Disco Fever Epidemic

Lo these dog days so ultra Sirius, as we unfurl our cosmic umbrellas under the Perseids, we find up Walla way yet another odd dan-splosion of probably paranormal providence. Disco fever, which started with a few isolated cases, appears on the brink of becoming a full-blown epidemic up many waters way.

"We are going to declare a state of emergency if we can't get this runaway disco soul train to catastrophe reined in and put away wet," said our source with local law enforcement. "This is why dancing is illegal in Walla Walla. People can't handle that kind of stimulation around here."

Concurrent supernatural dance phenomenon seems also to be occurring in our shadow city of Nowhere, Texas:

"It's always like this. Someone starts in thinking a little dancing won't hurt anything as long as nobody finds out," said Bob Church of the West Texas Anti League. "Which is why we're against it. Somebody always finds out." 

"That's right," agreed another expert, Professor Prattle, of West Texas Normal School. "This is the gateway dance down a slippery slope covered with slugs. One person dances a little and finds it invigorating in that insidious way that it first seems, and that person induces another and the chain reaction train wreck begins. People get sprains. Dancing is no victimless crime. This is why it's illegal, so that we might protect people from themselves." 

Residents, we hear, are being asked to report any suspicious move busting, rug cutting, sashaying and the like. Special care should be taken if the person exhibiting odd bodily movements seems to be doing The Hustle (any flavor), The Electric Slide, The Bootie Shake, The Boogaloo or any other absurdly monikered flailing reminiscent of the disco era. To help these efforts, we will be posting mostly anodyne selections in an educational vein. In this spirit, do your duty and recognize what it looks like to shake your bootie.

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