Thursday, June 28, 2018

Fashion: Trend-Watch Walla Walla

Disguises are all the rage these days on the streets of Walla Walla, which is seeing an up-surgance of a goofy wrinkle in normcore, which everyone was already doing all of the time. It's a very good disguise in Walla Walla, which is really quite strange underneath the norm-ness, but appearances are ironically maintained. This very repression of the underlying weird of the waters many has people disguising themselves as any sort of extremely normal person other than themselves. This brilliant innovation in disguise science was introduced right here, in fact, as a possible way of celebrating Pointless Affectation Day. The situation in Walla Walla is merely mildly disorienting, which is quite a pleasant thing on a summer afternoon. The introduction of low-intensity weirdness on a grand scale is  often the most disorienting trick of them all. To this end, we shall start a very placid dance craze. There is high probability that this trend will soon infect all areas of the multiverse which are quantum entangled here. Naturally. Some stuff could happen.

UPDATE:  It turns out that Nowhere, Texas is, as often happens, beset with some of the strange that snarls our fair city as well. This may or may not be limited to excessive floridity of the prose; the mixed prints of it, really.

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