Monday, July 9, 2018

Stranger Found Wandering Near Whitman Mission-- Time Travel Maybe Somewhat Possibly

The man is in his forties and was wearing only a pince-nez when found. Other than these bare facts, little is known about the freak found wandering by the Walla Walla river near the sacred mass burial site at the former location of Marcus Whitman's ontological experiment in mind-alteration which has Marcus and Narcissa occupied with headless ghost duties in the vicinity. Anyway, that's another cartoon. The pince-nez-wearing subject uttered just one word, "prattle, prattle, prattle" over and over, in self-reflexive non-ironic silliness, leading some to speculate that his ties to academic organizations might yield information as to his providence and the how to send him back because he's boring. Others, reading his fashionlinguistic irony, believe he may be a hipster and a performance artist, which could mean ties to shady alliances and skullduggery. Nobody likes it one bit. Luckily, there may be some options on the event horizon to erase his foray into this ecosystem in the EverHasNot or something like that. Also, Elvis may ever appear. There was actual video of the subject, but we'll post something more appropriate. (The above video is considered educational as to the reasons for continued yoga practice: the dance craze.) In other news: Venus conjunct Regulus. (It suffices to say he may have been keeping track of butterflies. That's been a disguise and not-disguise.)

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