Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Danger--- A Summer Dance Experiment

Having long expounded the effects of sequins on light resistance during disco inferno conditions, which are obviously at their peak during August, certain Walla Walla dance factions are about to launch a large-scale sequined dance extravaganza for the purpose of reaching wack critical mass and rocketing this sleepy burg into cosmic gyrovantic strangeness for the foreseeable future or until Monday. According to the organizer of this event, one anonymous weirdo who seems to have no posse, this weekend should prove to be a watershed event for the ectoplasmic iterations in these parts. We shall see. One thing is certain, these threats of dance madness are not empty. The town has tried all manor of enforcement in its fight against the chaotic gyrations of groove, but factions of rival freaks cling to these customs in spite of the efforts of saner sorts. Again, dance is no victimless crime. People are enticed into participating even if they are barely consenting, or maybe not consenting voluntarily, like that one time when their friends all jumped off a bridge, except that those people no longer exist, which is good. They were wasting space on the dance floor. This is probably a good time to mention that there is an upcoming spelling bee and grammar challenge in the offing. Nobody knows exactly when. Nobody knows the purpose of this blog.

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