Wednesday, November 14, 2018


It's ever so often noted that the creatures of Nowhere, West Texas, have unusually shadowy tendencies, being, as they are, composed of other matter. This other matter behaves in distinct and often bizarro ways, creating strata of rhizomic and self-reiterating expansion, or it just does unpredictable wack stuff. It is this bare facet of the alter-verse which has recently garnered the attention of the research department of Walla Walla Wickidity Works because of the ultra-humor capacitor experiments with the Medusa Recordex. Think of how weird the jokes get. It's sick. Girls just want to have fun, though. Seriously. So, the word of the day is that one in French that echoed in your head for a couple of years like a bell rung by a meteorite. That's a tricky bit. This is how it starts.  The way shadow creatures have their own reality, someone notices. It takes an ambiguous turn. So the message is its own language. This is a device. The Medusa Recordex.

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