Thursday, January 24, 2019

Dance Craze Walla

Dangerous levels of funk have been detected in The New Black Mansion this morning, leading to a declaration of a dance emergency. Residents of Walla Walla and surrounding planets are advised to bust a serious move or risk a solidifying hex of some sort or other. Last time saw a few unfortunate anti-dancers transformed into confectionary statues. This was, of course, the intent, the confectionary figurative sculpture becoming part of an installation piece and conjuration meant to secure a permanent portal in the center of the town for Elvis manifestations and other important galactic communication work. What the ultimate purpose of this particular dance craze might be is still unknown, but since dance crazes have replaced Walla Walla scenes there's been speculation that these incidents are staged as part of some weird time travel experiment being conducted in secret basement laboratories. This is exactly what is going on. Be advised. Mind, also, the shadows.

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