Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Medusa Recordex Update

Feelings of disorientation from experience of multiple time streams is sometimes challenging for new users of The Medusa Recordex. Do not worry. This is a temporary sensation caused by the faceting of attention. One learns to surf the various streams in simultaneity, the practice being fluid. Dance. This is a point long made. Dance is not, however, merely metaphor. It is preparation. This stupid-seeming text is a rhizome. That's been made clear. This is essential to the process of creating the sort of independent intelligence that functions in various reality modes. You know that though. So, the text is the record, to be sure, but it's functional. Hello. This operator's manual should studied thoroughly before any attempt is made to engage The Medusa Recordex's Time Effects, for it is vitally important that one determine an anchor point, which is a difficult matter, because that thing itself does not exist. Whatever.

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