Saturday, March 2, 2019

Deep Night Radio

Serious nocturnal transmissions between the blue hours, under tumultuous starlight, like a jukebox co-existing in another dimension-- purple spangled and strange. Straining to understand trains the attention upon the phoneme, linguistic wave particles. All method is madness, they say. Again.  Language, in this place, has a decided echo. Walla Walla, overseen by the Twin Sisters at Wallula.

The voices of the place talk tale of sparkletongue. Those basalt twins whisper to Columbia voice of wind amplified and sky on water. On the Snake. On Walla Walla. Speaking the language of sparkling waters which give back sol as rainbow. This murmur is heard in simultaneity and sings in the networks.

Mycelium, whose creatures inhabit the places we fail to see send emissaries. Invisibility is often no great feat. It's accomplished here daily with the most insane disguises. Method, they say, is madness.You are net. Extending by connection. This point is so profound, when grasped-- fully grasped-- that it changes reality completely. De-anthropomorphizes perspective.

Singularity is a simultaneity. Intelligence is the substance and it alters by connection to the rhizome. This is the crazy stuff of midnight radio. It's got a beat and you can dance to it. 

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