Sunday, March 17, 2019

Some Kind of Announcement

"We interrupt this broadcast to announce..." Thus begins the announcement, answers having been found to the nagging question, "What if?" It is the method. Ask the right question if you wish a relevant answer. Having found probability theory uselessly tied to the material, we now answer questions with questions. The questions begin with what if. What if thought itself evolves through us, for instance? What if thought has new ideas? What if thought shapes the material? What if someone could rearrange the reality picture by pushing a button? What if the button were on The Hoodoo Altar? What if this cartoon logic thing happened but nobody noticed because they were part of it? What if somebody composed a gollum out of nacho cheese and made it king? Which parts of this are actually happening? Mixed prints, once again, are the new black.

We were about to announce the further exploration of spacetime through the medium of The Medusa Recordex, a small inter-dimensional device we placed some time back in the closet in a dimension rather similar to this. It's been explained elsewhere, so probably nobody will understand this, which doesn't particularly matter to the purpose so far as can be gleaned.

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