Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Electric Universe Tango

Black butterfly shimmering in rainbow of shuddering magnetar pulse beams. This says the one or the other, is a good image for the album cover, but it describes well enough the dance craze intended by the badass beat. It's best to think in metaphors. Territorialize, de-territorialize. Linguistics understands the need to reshape language to the needs of creation. Language seeks to be bardic by its very genesis. As fashion reportage goes this seems to indicate something. What that might be is anyone's guess, but getting it right is easy. Always have recourse to disguise.

This is some kind of sublime nonsense from The Medusa Recordex, which is an actual invention of The New Black Mansion, Walla Walla. The invention, as all remember, is a recording device placed in the closet in a like this room, only in another dimension. Enough said about that.

Of course this is a narrative development. It's a dance craze announcement. It's fashion reportage.

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