Friday, February 28, 2020

High Weirdness and What If (Post # 666) Updated Midnight Radio

"What if?" Miracles don't work by way of what can or should materialize. One might enchant for all manner of things, ordinary and extraordinary. Mundane or miraculous. We have long tended a wave synchronistic materializations that implies one important point: it's highly sensible to work as if one expects miracles because the hologram, it seems, has no particular predilection for any particular outcome, but intelligence does love to be tickled. Novelty attracts, strangely. So, for your own sake try to do it sweetly, btw. If you're smart you will. Any other is a fool's errand. Why choose that place on the spectrum? It will be imagined because all things are, but it's best not to use what piece one is of the infinite on less than the most brilliant light available while knowing that in that you imagine it next. Choose yourself carefully because it is a wildly elegant ball. What art attracts the eye? The beautiful, strange, sublime, ridiculous, funny and odd. So we ask, again, what if? What if we're all just a conceptual adjustment away from immersion in something much grander than what should be possible? It seems prudent to think of the possibility of what lies beyond probability. It is in this spirit that we now bust a move.

There are layers and modes of processing at work. Think of archetypes of adjustment. There's never any avoiding it because it's built into the system. As terrifying as that is, strategy by inevitably by sometimes tragedy. Shattering. Which must in imagination be transcended. Presently. It's a good time to find a very good place, literally in your imagination. Create.

This is self-transcendece through reimagining happening on many levels. Bennu. An invokation. Creation in the realm of the imaginal, made rhizomic is the project. This system literally cannot overcome the sheer magic of imagination, in it's ceaseless rebirth of itself through its own ever-evolving inner ecology. The work of seeing always ahead in the foresight of the imagination. This ruins any tyrant, this exact inability. When one was taught to avoid the imaginal for its non-existent inadequacy, failed to the very much bigger realm it is, that view, in dimensions.

This may or may not be a long transmission of the Midnight Radio. These things have a way of disappearing. We shall see. It's those thoughts that are like Mexican radio playing in your fillings. See how silly it gets. We've been on a few times about cartoon logic. It's probably time that was a serious thought. To think about any element of current existence one must really think hard about this. What element of this has not become a circus, such a twisted iteration of human behavior? There's going to be necessary a good deal of collective forward thought and personal and one every other level in the system of systems. With all its luminous threads. The dreams and the demons and the way we imagined our larger parts imaginary. Infitite universe world. Then keep going. Tumbling tumbleweeds go far. Distance. Event. Panic is an ever-present danger.

This is, quite literally, an invokation the forever-emerging force that is Phoenix. Who, to reiterate, is reborn previous to its own material existence, as such coexisting on both levels. Which is a seed planted in light, seen but not currently born. But born, seen, and pre-imaging at once. Each level invokes its next cycle in perpetuity. This thing right here, the very object, is itself volatile. These sorts of objects change, so it's important to see their many perceptual lenses. This is a shameless plug for the Black Mansion Labs' own Medusa Recordex. There is no possible mode in the realm of light in creation that all parts of a deep system function in fractal thinking strategies that haven't been conceived but are already extant out to infinitude by implication. It looks as if I should finish the next iterations. Those have already spoken, just not arrived. This is a lot of nonsense, and will likely vanish. Or it won't. Who can really say, since they both happen at once. Media/message as we've long said. It's too strange an experience to even begin to say. And the fronts shift a-once. That's always why the multiple view. The Medusa Recordex works in simultaneity. This is meant an opening to a next phase. This turns out a long message. Even for this mess of media. I would be very surprised if nobody reads this. I'll maybe take that out tomorrow.  Or not. It's a little self indulgent. It's the medium. There's the part where the linkage is critical because it's purely metaphor. Even if beginning in fear, there is a possibility of choosing to carve out secret islands of the invisible upon the inner landscape. Unfreezing. Waking up from the deer/headlights waking paralysis. Where would you, could you? Be the force of your own making as a brighter star.

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