Thursday, February 13, 2020

Weather Report and Fashion Update

Gravity appears to be more tricky than heretofore imagined but that's no surprise to anyone in Walla Walla, where the study of twin phenomena Space and Time has lead down many a twisting path. We need only consult the oracular synch engines and the midnight radio to find that things are never as they seem and they always seem strange. What materializes in the twin waters, ordinary as it would appear oddly echoes in West Texas for reasons of entanglement and other quantum stuff, but what they fail to mention is that everything is entangled with everything making everything every thing, but it hardly matters when one is about. It makes our voices crazy contemplating this sort of thing. However, these are but ordinary features of the hologram in which we perceive. This is the message in the medium and this is the medium of the message we receive as medium for the message. The fashion situation is fuzzy and the weather unpredictable. Games are always evolving into interlocutions with the beyond, reflecting on the nature of the materials used to produce them and their arrangement in the final composition. With 2020 now fully under way,our inherent confirmation bias heat-seeking any sign of a "Boris bounce", we are now unswervingly focused on making those hastily written annual strategy plans a reality. The view from The Lighthouse, as this new decade descends, seems to point the beam towards the question of how we reinvent, reincarnate. This unicorn is a true unicorn – an individual who holds the wisdom of experience, yet the youthful curiosity of the unimaginable; the practical knowledge of what has gone before with the brilliance and imagination of what’s yet to come, married to the audaciousness of offering visionary leadership with the humility of individual trans-human connection. A unicorn – no longer a fantasy – just a rarity.Of course we're referring to a part of the chaostream project known as Herb. In difficult times, gravity becomes ever the more intractable. What practice emerges in dark times is fuel for the phosphorescence needed to navigate darkness. From the stars we emerge and return. From the great river in the night sky.

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