Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coded Messages

Always we strive cultivate a web of oblique messages and other stuff. For to fathom the messages and the messengers alike before choosing course, version and inversion, is a time travel thought experiment. The imprints of those experiences, rewoven, making time warp and weft, skein touching skein. The practice is to dance in dimensions. Herb the Battle Unicorn -- The Action Figure is partially understood as a medium, coded messages from the beyond, because that's what trans-dimensional creatures do and the message is also the medium. This is, in part, the reason for the entire action figure project; sending and receiving messages. We've mentioned elsewhere that the work emerges from an unbroken stream of sychronous happenings, messages and arrivals, which is an experience that can be rendered only in exceptionally multi-media format at present. The grammar of many layers of webs. Does it then, itself, dream? Materializations in Walla Walla, in the various laboratories would suggest so. Engaging your best imagination is key. Midnight radio is always on because it's always midnight somewhere. This is the message from the medium in the short term viral freakout. Evolutionary hurdles of the imagination.

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