Saturday, June 6, 2020

Upon Arrival

On a day of every kind of weather. Driving.
Air conditioning to hail, buckets of rain to eye-seering sun.
It's a drive my mother has taken many times before me.
The first time I've taken her on this route. Death stalking,
She's just from hospital and on a drive from Walla Walla
to the border of California. I'm a widow of weeks. And going to light. Go to light. to light.

The scene is from that movie starring Portland.
She was born in Idaho and reveals to me that she came upon-
a movie shoot- in the 90s. On this road. I've long thought that scene was shot on this road.
The most intense time-- the first I drove this road it hits me hard. This is it. Right here.
We are near stone henge in the gorge. I told her of it. Everyone does ceremonies
These long term ceremonies, the one that go years? A fucking trip.

The drive is more hers than mine. She's done it so many times to get to family. She's given me shortcuts. through the route that Google doesn't yet know. Little traveled roads still. But she just got lifeflight. So again, I will bury the lead. I bury it usually more, but I'm giving up on super deep disguise. Thanks, For, The Message. You kill disguise science by going as yourself.

driving the lake, in mist. rainbows from road on tire and in the sky above the jail, by
perspective, above McClellan. The atmosphere is thunder and lightning. Re-entering,
The Falls of Klamath. Alchemy. That's the buried lede. My parents and brother. Walla Walla.

She's driven this route before so many times and now dying. This is a movie. I can reference it already. Time has skipped some and my dream world awaits, apparently. Obvious addressed to big data, to whom this is written. I am the prophet. You read before I delete. It really doesn't matter.

Watch and learn. I drove those parts. It's beautiful. It's wonderful. Goddam. This is going so strangely, as usual. The area wept and turns green. even the McClellan house. Still spring.
I've been in time warps for a while. A n or deal. Holy . Holy  .   holy. . . It's quiet. I can't catch up. There is a camera on every window at McClellan. She's left. Enough. wires go many many many many many directions. Boom and crazy me, I think it. Boom. It happens. Hard for me hadrey? lets colllide. We both are medium to message. Your need seethes.

The rainbow on the way into town. Over jail and McClellan. The Transcendence rests here.
The hard alchemy is working and not by any coyness. One cannot actually try. This is forbidden. Yet while striving so highly and remaining kind. There are so many prescriptions when the only thing we Need is Kindness.

Before dawn the snows begin(types) I don't know what I'm eating. My mother dying. on a road trip.

It snowed the first morning back.

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