Sunday, July 5, 2020

Weird things that weirdly seem weird lately: (This is weird)

This is a thing. 

That sleeping was ever considered a prerequisite to dreaming
How did that happen? It really doesn't work that way.
To dream is.  it's own thing. It's how you do really wild sorcery. 
You just go straight in there to that world through any old portal. 

They really are so numerous. It's all in your imagination. It is absolutely and purely
Imaginary. This is where magick lives, so go wildly into that good day
Don't worry for the fading of the light, but find the other side. 
This is imaginal. and what you lack you can create. So there's no excuse. 

Wow. So strangely I've dreamt and I don't know why, but I'll dance. Slip 
Past your own over-complexified simplified abstractions. Scripture, this. It's a way. 
Having long contemplated. These things are simpler than we make them out to be. 

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