Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Difference Between Heaven and a "Free Cruise"

Messages come in all sorts of packages and life itself is an infinite expansion machine. That's why the rhizome such long tended. The experiment crosses media, with the digital rhizome comprising a conceptual hub or something like that. The point here is the weapon. It came in by high weirdness. This little experiment is cracker jacks, but what a strange brew. There is, perhaps, enough information here to sort. Dreams of corporate heaven are just that. what keeps getting in the way is the nothingness of poetry. But that glitch is a big forever. The overriding. So laugh. Some have spent lifetimes rebelling against a false authority. It works as should be expected. That which is already extant is not subject to erasure. One might reference The Medusa Recordex. Recursion coupled with novelty, amalgamated.  The saints are those who can and do speak truth against power. self-reiterative expansion. 

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