Friday, March 18, 2011

Klaus Nomi Promoting Newest West Texas Dance Craze-- The Twist -- UPDATED

Yes, we have long worked to chronicle the many dance crazes to seize West Texas in their rhythmic enchantments. You may remember when we Madisoned maniacally 'til midnight and frantically frugged unfazed 'til fainting from exhaustion. Scientists have posited that the outbreaks of round the clock dance phenomenon have been attributable to a certain proneness to mass hysteria. Those of us who study the West Texas environs know better, though. We know it all comes down to wickidity. Hexes, that is. And don't ever mistake for a dance craze the incredibly dangerous tendency toward twisting sisters. This time is different, though. No sister twisting, just The Twist, as our good friend Klaus Nomi is in the mansion, where we recorded this gem just yesterday. Tornado season is nearly upon us, and certain practitioners of the dark arts do love a good twister, so we will twist ourselves in preparation, but, again, not our sisters. Twist away, LuLu. You know you want to. And with a certain broom still missing, it could be a useful skill.

Update: I feel a need to clarify after receiving an email asking the following: "What if your sister does The Twist? Isn't this the same as twisting your sister?" The answer is, no. You sister can twist all she wants, as can you. As long as the twisting is of her own volition nothing bad will happen, but believe me when I tell you, I had a sister, and she got twisted, and now I find myself exiled to this strange place trying to keep her from even more sinister deeds than she's already committed. I speak from experience in this matter. Don't twist your sister.

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