Sunday, May 6, 2018

Midnight: Elvis and the Elvises

It doesn't not look rather like this.
That's right; Elvis and the Elvises return to the New Black Mansion at intervals of undefinable cadence in their oscillation between Nowhere and Walla Walla. Whenever it occurs is midnight somewhere and here and nowhere, so it's highly suspect and most likely a joke. Be that as it may, it happens, as funny things sometimes do. So catch a performance if you get the chance, because this trans-galactic super-group is fronted by Elvis and features a fabulous host of Elvises of every single description imaginable. Elvis and the Elvises, however, point out that there is no hierarchy and as far as you know the "real" Elvis could be any member of the group and vise versa. Performances are both musically challenging and breathtakingly absurd. "Having lived the life of Elvis for real, I can tell you this is barely absurd," said the Elvis we spoke to. The story is developing, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...

Wanna see Elvis risen-from-the-dead?

Coming to my BIG-ol,
John Belushi, party-hardy,
Seventh-Heaven which is
eternal pleasure-beyond-measure?

Do you...
1) love God?
2) love your neighbor?
Cya Upstairs.