Saturday, November 17, 2018

Published that Book: Forgot the Title. It's in that image, Maybe, but We seem to recall publishing it a few weeks ago.

It's been a while ago, but we just remembered that maybe the book is available. This is pretty much a technicality, since anyone actually reading it might be a bad idea for reasons beyond puceness. It is, nevertheless, out there. It might now have a slightly different title. It's not that hard to find, though, even so. It involves some time travel and it seems pretty silly, but, you know, that's how we roll. It's not super-recommended for reading. It's really gotten out of hand. It's probably a study in method. Walla Walla Wickidity Works disavows foolhardy behavior born of reading a book one has been told to not read. The point of this was to just announce the publication, but what does one say? It's starting to sound we doth too much protest, and that's not the intent. Dancing is really good for you. Remember that.

Anyway, the title is definitely different-ish. Anyone could figure it out if motivated. Walla Walla Wickidity Works has no prior PR experience. More importantly, check out this crazy video:

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