Friday, November 16, 2018

Like Ice Cream

Walla Walla Wickidity Works herby announces the completion of the Darkside diploma of one of our cohort, to be celebrated in perpetuity when the mood strikes. Since this is a coalition of possible imaginary creatures, which you know exist, or we'd not be discussing the matter, the celebratory logistics may vary. Mysteries are wonderful. Try to remember it's a party. Astronomical events aside, -- L'heure Bleue wafts through this haunt, promising a Radiant Sunrise. Image. Nonsense is an impervious surface behind which one might disguise multitudes. Chrome in California noir, flashing, glinting, confusing reflections in overbright day and overlit night, and laughter. It's dafficult to crack. Thinking about contagions of web, however, is not what this is really about. Rather, it's the trackless shadows of such. This is just some oracular blathering and totally bogus besides. As far as anyone knows. There's the rub.

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